Sunday, August 01, 2004

I'm Back

My family and I just returned from a wonderful week at Seaside beach, an idyllic setting near Destin, Florida. Thanks to everyone at CrossBridge who made this trip a possibility. To Zane Tarence and Adam Ellis, who preached on July 25 and Aug. 1 respectively, I am eternally grateful. Thanks to H.C. Johnson, Jim Lovell, and Lynn Gurganus who covered my teaching responsibilities at CrossBridge while I was "soaking up the sun." Thanks also to Jamie Waugh, who served as a proctor for my sociology class at Faulkner University. Words cannot express my heartfelt appreciation to the CrossBridge staff (Johnny Brown, Richard Garguilo, Phyllis Jamison, Greg Miles, and Chris Smith) for "holding down the fort" while I was away. I am additionally grateful to the CrossBridge shepherds and their wives (Bruce and Susan Akin, H.C. and Bonnie Johnson, Gregg and Diana Waycaster, Ken and Chris Smith) for watching over the flock to faithfully--this gave me a tremendous peace of mind. Most of all, I'm gratefully to God for the beauty of His creation, and the special way a sunset over the Gulf of Mexico proclaims His enduring glory.

I am so glad to be back home with my family at CrossBridge. This is the first time in my preaching ministry that I've every been away from my church home for two consecutive Sundays. I simply cannot wait for Wednesday, and Sunday to see my brothers and sisters here. This church is truly a taste of heaven here on earth. I am so grateful that this church let's me minister among it! Be looking for blogs inspired by a week on the Florida coast.


Garry Brantley said...

Greg, when I changed to the new format, all my personal settings were lost. So, I've got to reformat all my links, etc. There probably was a way around this, but you know my limited technical ability! Great to be back.

Adam said...

Sorry I missed you this weekend. I had fun. Thanks for loaning me your pulpit.