Friday, May 27, 2005

Embracing the Storm

I haven't posted a blog in a couple of months. This personal blogging lacuna was the result of a number of things. Strangley, though a minister's occupation evolves largely around words, sometimes its difficult to put two of them together to make a sensible thought. For some, difficult circumstances provide verbal fodder for some. For others, it tends to shut down the creative juices. I'm the latter of the two, I suppose. It's been pretty difficult around here the last few weeks. At the same time, it's been refreshing.

Storms seem to be that way. They are ominous with real, potential destructive power. Here in the Southeast, thunderstorms often erupt this time of year, producing flash floods, felling trees, leaving thousands without power. Despite these negative results, storms bring much-needed moisture to parched ground, and remind our arrogant minds of our ultimate vulnerability to powers much greater than ourselves. Without storms, life could not exist and, quite frankly, would be rather dull.

I've learned that as God begins His move in communities disruption, not peace, typically occurs at first. Let's face it. Humans generall resist change. Even the slavery of Egypt looks compelling against the risky business of following God. When God moves in a community, it can be painful. Changes do occur. Irritations arise. Ultimately, however, those who trust in the Lord mount up with wings like eagles, they run without becoming weary, and they walk without fatigue.

Perhaps you are in such a place. And, your storm is unique to you. While I don't think God is the immediate cause of everything in our lives, He is the final redeemer of it all. As Joseph, who in retrospect could see the hand of God in the extreme circumstances of his life, I look with great anticipation to understanding the mysterious, poweful, redemptive work of God beyond the storms. Give us eyes to see your sufficient grace, O Lord...and be glorified.


Brad said...


Great return to the blog. So true.



Anonymous said...

move through in the storms of Gary's life and the church. Let us all know that through the storm you can move, touch, heal and give a peace that passes all understanding. I love you lord and thank you for loving me
Glad to see you writing again

believingthomas said...

Missing your words. Hope your Storm lets up and you have opportunity to share more with us.

Brad said...


I'm missing your thoughts!
