Monday, November 21, 2005

Community Thanksgiving Service

Last evening was the third time that CrossBridge has participated in an interdenominational Thanksgiving Service. Each time I experience this service, I'm reminded about how much Christians have in common. I'm grateful that God is opening my eyes to see His larger kingdom. I'm always prayerful that His Spirit will create unity in the body of Christ so that "the world might believe that God sent Jesus."

Thanks to Clark Skelton and Indian Springs Baptist Church for hosting this event. BTW, last year's Thanksgiving service was at the church where Bo Bice attended before his American Idol fame. He sang with the praise band, and gave a very moving testimony. I enjoyed talking with him after the service--he was a very genuine guy. I pray that, in his newly acquired fame, Jesus will continue to shine through him.


Anonymous said...

How does one become a Christian? Does it really matter? Is there anything that would not be authorized in worship to God? If so, on what basis would that be determined?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you should look into the backgroud of Bo Bice before you determine that Jesus is shining through him.