Thursday, February 17, 2005

Waiting Room Theodicy

As Greg Miles has posted on the LifeSong Notes blog site, my father-in-law, Howard Allen has been in the hospital for three weeks. This past week, he was in ICU due to complications from a procedure that nearly took him from this life.

While in the waiting rooms of these critical areas, you see and hear a lot of things. I overheard one particular conversation in which two men were discussing their loved one's medical condition. After discussing her serious, medical status, their conversation turned to theology.

"My preacher told me that God was in control of everything and that for some reason beyond our comprehension, He's put her in this shape. I just don't know about that," the son of the woman said with eyes heavy with tears. "No, I don't agree with that," her brother interjected. He began to provide his particular understanding of theodicy--explaining suffering in light of the existence of God. Eventually I joined the conversation and enjoyed my discussion with these men of obvious faith, and deep hurt.

I really don't remember all the theological points that were argued, because they ultimately didn't matter that much. I remember making some reference to C.S. Lewis' work after cancer caused the untimely death of Joy, his wife. Prior to that emotional experience, Lewis gave rational answers to the question of suffering. And, they were biblically centered and continue to be helpful. However, Lewis expressed his own emotional dissatisfaction with his own answers while he was in the throes of grief.

What I do remember is seeing a 53 year old, distinquished gentlemen (the woman's brother) break down and unashamedly weep. At that moment, something happened. It was as if his grief and mine connected us at a deep level. Not even knowing the man's name, I walked over and embraced him. "I'm so sorry about your sister," I whispered in his ear. "I don't understand all the complexities of our world; why this is happening at this moment to your sister. This I do know--God is not unaffected by your grief. He weeps with you." "I never thought of God weeping with me," he said. "Strangely, that thought helps."

In the end, theological systems and biblical concepts are insufficient for the hurting soul. And, thank God that's not what He offers. The biblical text, rather than a sterile list of do's and don't's from a cosmic despot, is His self-disclosure to a creation He desperately loves. He enters our struggles. He both touches and is touched by us. He has become vulnerable to our rejection of Him. The world is not as God intends. At least not yet. As Paul describes in Romans 8, the entire creation is groaning, awaiting ultimate redemption--the ultimate moment when God's redemptive work is consummated. At that moment, God will cup our cheeks in His holy hands and wipe the tears away. Until then, God uses His body to embrace the hurting, and mingles His tears with theirs. Somehow in those holy moments, healing begins. Such is the nature of waiting room theodicy.

Thanks to my CrossBridge brothers and sisters who have cried with us over the past few weeks. Your tears have brought healing to our hurting hearts. They remind us that God is fully present in the midst of such struggles.


Jan K said...

I remember those ICU waiting room days of my own. They are in their own way a kick in the pit of the stomach. When I reflect on them I have that sinking feeling. But, they make you take a whole new look at life and reality.
But the thing that has comforted me along my path, has not been understanding why, or what the outcome will be. But the simple knowledge that God is with me. I was thinking today upon looking in the mirror and seeing my reflection that I could not do this without the knowledge that God is with me. I am not alone. When I don't know anything else that is what comforts me. That is what makes each new day worth trying, what makes me willing to take chances and let myself feel pain and joy. Because if God is with us, the rest will work itself out. Maybe not without much pain or in a different path than we would have chosen. But when you can feel God's presence in your life and you know that he is there for you it makes it all bearable. And growth takes place that probably would not have come in another way. You are an inspiration to many.

Anonymous said...

Great thoughts, broham. Sorry to hear about your pop-in-law's illness. I miss you.


Anonymous said...


This entry is a blessing to me as I grieve the loss of my sweet momma. Thanks so much for coming to the funeral Wednesday. It meant so much to me.

Praying for your father-in-law.


Allen "AB" Brantley said...

This month has been pretty rough on me. Besides being busy, I'm worried about Papa. I've been praying for God to have His will be done, but I'm also scared to what that is. I've tried to hold it together for the past month, but I'm tired of being tough. I'm just so thankful that I'm in a place where all my friends really love me and care for me; they're there to comfort me. I can't wait to come home and see all of y'all, please continue to pray for me. I love you, Dad.


Brandon Scott Thomas said...

Such a blessing to be with you...and in such a difficult time for you and Carol. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Thanks for your enthusiasm and encouragement this past weekend--even in the midst of all you were dealing with. You're a dear brother.