Thursday, December 04, 2003

Down in the River to Pray

The subject of baptism tends to be a lightning rod for theological controversy. We fuss about the mode, meaning, and appropriate subjects for baptism. I've just received, and read the opening chapters of, a new book by John Mark Hicks and Greg Taylor titled: Down in the River to Pray: Revisioning Baptism as God's Transforming Work.

What appears to be the overarching point of the book so far is to move beneath the technicalities of baptism to the trinitarian emport of this act. This is a refreshing glimpse into a church practice that has been sadly diminished by much rangling about it's technicalities.

If the opening chapters are indicative of the balance of the book, it is well worth the read. I know John Mark personally, which makes this book even more significant to me. Because of my first-hand knowledge of John's character and scholarship, I can recommend this book to you without qualification. I'm looking forward to "going down to the river to pray" in order to refresh--and rethink--my understanding of baptism. I hope you will as well.


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